Updated: 12-11-2024
Source: China Meteorological News Press
On November 12, World Meteorological Centre (WMC) Beijing Workshop (hereinafter referred to as the Workshop) on New Technology and Products opened. The Workshop will last till November 14.
Participants from 30 countries and regions around the world took part in the Workshop, discussing the application of Artificial Intelligence (AI) in the field of meteorology and the implementation of relevant pilot projects of the World Meteorological Organization (WMO).
During the Workshop Photoed by XU Nenyu
“Currently, the new generation AI is injecting new momentum into the meteorological development, with breakthroughs made in its application in this field. The China Meteorological Administration (CMA) actively embraces new technologies and attaches great importance to the AI-based weather model development.” Said Dr. BI Baogui, Deputy Administrator of CMA.
“The purpose of the Workshop is to exchange ideas on the application of AI in meteorology, discuss the opportunities and challenges brought by new technologies, deliberate on the implementation of relevant WMO pilot projects, supporting the United Nations (UN) Early Warnings for All (EW4ALL) Initiative.” Said JIN Ronghua, Director General of National Meteorological Centre (NMC) of CMA.
“The Workshop provides a valuable platform to showcase and discuss the latest developments in AI and its applications in meteorological operations and services. I hope the Workshop, especially the new technology and products identified, will contribute to the implementation of early warning systems. “said Abdullah Rashid Nasser Al Khadouri, President of WMO Region II (Asia) Association and Director-General of Meteorology - Civil Aviation Authority, Oman.
“Using the most advanced earth-system models, World Meteorological Centres (WMCs) provide high quality global forecasts. WMCs also have a responsibility to lead in innovation and capacity building to ensure that all WMO Members benefit from the latest scientific and technological developments in earth system prediction.” said David Richardson, Chair of the Standing Committee on WIPPS.
“Enhanced access to graphical WIPPS products, increase of available nowcasting products in WIPPS and improvement of skill of WIPPS products using Machine Learning and Artificial Intelligence are all urgent and important issues of WIPPS to be addressed. ”said Yuki Honda, Chief of WMO Earth System Prediction Division.
DAI Kan, Deputy Director General of NMC presented a report on "New Technologies and Products Supporting Early Warnings for All", highlighting key activities WMC Beijing has undertaken to support the EW4ALL Initiative in six main areas, including creating a data-driven AI weather model that delivers 15-day global forecasts within minutes and so on.
The Workshop is jointly organized by WMO and CMA, and hosted by NMC and the Guangdong Provincial Meteorological Service.
During the same period, CMA Meteorological Cadre Training and Research Centre (Guangdong) and CMA Training centre (WMO Regional Training Centre Beijing) also held an international training course on the application of WMC Beijing products to enhance the ability of developing countries to use new technologies and products like meteorological AI to support early warnings.
Editor: XU Nenyu