Updated: 03-12-2024
Source: China Meteorological News Press
On November 25, the 9th International Training Course on Tropical Cyclone Monitoring and Forecasting (hereinafter referred to as the Course) was held in Guangzhou, Guangdong, China, which was organized by the China Meteorological Administration (CMA) Guangdong Training Branch and CMA Training Centre (World Meteorological Organization Regional Training Centre Beijing). 24 trainees from the meteorological and hydrological departments of 17 countries in Asia, Africa, Oceania, and South America participated in the Course.
The Course was aimed at practicing the United Nations' Early Warnings for All Initiative, jointly strengthening the capacity development of typhoon forecasting and warning management and operational personnel, and improving the forecast and warning technology and disaster prevention and mitigation capacity of countries. The 11-day Course included 12 lectures, 1 participants' forum, 1 on-site teaching session and 3 official and cultural visits. The Course was covering typhoon monitoring and forecasting techniques, tropical cyclone generation and forecasting techniques, nowcasting of typhoon and tornado, tropical cyclone forecasting and disaster impact warning, and CMA typhoon numerical weather forecasting system and products, etc.
Group Photo of the Course Photoed by CHEN Dekang
Rhino Rajaonarivony, Head of the Regional Meteorological Service in the Eastern Region of Madagascar, delivered a speech at the opening ceremony of the Course, in which he hoped that the Course would enhance trainees' operational level, promote knowledge exchange and jointly address the challenges posed by typhoon disasters.
In the future, CMA Guangdong Training Branch will strengthen cooperation with relevant departments, play the role of the international meteorological talent training Centre of the Guangdong-HongKong-Macao Greater Bay Area branch of World Meteorological Centre Beijing, actively implement China's Action Plan on Early Warning for Climate Change Adaptation (2025-2027), and help enhance regional cooperation mechanisms on early warning.
Editor: JIANG Zhiqing