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GISC Beijing


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GISC Beijing started its operation as from 15 August 2011
Members: China Hong Kong, China Macao, Mongolia, Nepal, Pakistan
Users: until June 9, 2014, there are 92 users from 34 WMO Members registered in GISC Beijing
Connected with GISC Exeter, GISC Melbourne, GISC Offenbach, GISC Seoul, GISC Tokyo, GISC Toulouse and other operational WIS Centers


Available Services
Data collection and dissemination:
-Support TCP sockets, FTP, HTTP, POP3/SMTP, Satellite-based Broadcast, …
-Collect data and products from CMA internal DCPCs (DCPC NSMC, DCPC NMC, DCPC BCC),
-Delivery data and products to members and users
-Web data ingest: collect data through web interface, support code conversion (TAC to BUFR)


Metadata Search:
-Directory navigation (by data type, by product center, …)
-Simple Search (keywords, title, theme, time, …)
-Complex Search (geographical location+keyword+…)
-ISO 23950 SRU service (support SRW Web Service and SRU REST model interface)


Metadata synchronization and metadata maintenance:
-Metadata online editor (to create metadata files; to modify or delete metadata from WIS)
-Metadata upload via web from (to publish metadata into WIS)
-Metadata harvesting via OAI protocol (to publish metadata into WIS)
-Metadata harvesting via FTP protocol (to publish metadata into WIS)


DAR metadata: ISO 19115, WMO Core Metadata Profile version 1.2
Data format: TAC, BUFR, CREX, GRIN, NetCDF, …


CMA Internal DCPCs
Provide their data and products through the DAR services of GISC Beijing


CMA one stop data services
Provide an integrated web portal, extend WMO services through DAR facilities, and provide for routine collection and automated dissemination of observations and products; timely delivery of data and products, including ad-hoc requests and interoperability among diverse dataset.


Available Data