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NMC predicts that a new round of cold air will affect central-eastern China

Source:National Meteorological Centre12-10-2021

Affected by the strong cold air, from October 14 to 17, gale, temperature drop, rain and snow will affect central-eastern China. National Meteorological Centre predicts that in mid-October and the second half of October, most portions of China will witness temperature lower than that in normal years.

From October 14 to 17, temperature drop of 6~10℃ will emerge in eastern Northwest China, North China, Northeast China, Huanghuai Region, Jianghuai Region, Jianghan Region, South of the Yangtze River Region, and Guizhou.

From October 13 to 16, moderate to heavy rain will lash southern Shaanxi, Huanghuai Region, eastern Jianghan Region, and northeastern South of the Yangtze River Region. Light to moderate snow or sleet will hit eastern Qinghai, central-eastern Gansu, southern Ningxia, northeastern Inner Mongolia, Heilongjiang,and others.

Around October 19, a weak cold air process will affect northern China.

Editor: Liu Shuqiao